lørdag den 13. april 2013

                              BIG  GREY  HOODIE :)                                   

So !!!   I decided to grab my dog and walk some miles through the woods and visit my mum . The sun did not appear but it was perfect weather  for a good long walk! Listening to the birds and watching little D having fun by putting her nose into everything on her way, I remembered the headliners in the newspapers : The wolf is back in Denmark! So far there are several people having seen a wolf-looking animal, and while some are houling because they welcome the wolf, other people are scared and hope that the government can solve the problem!                                                                              Its 200 years since the last wolf born free in Denmark was shot ! Now its back and what is to be done? Is it nature right to be a wolf and settle down where you like? Is it our right to go against the nature?  I must admit, I was a tiny bit afraid of meeting a wolf. But it would not come along in the middle of the daytime, I think... Or would it? And if, did I have something eatable in my pockets? No, not a single doggy-bisquit. But I had a box with chocolates for my mum, maybe that would safe my and little D´s lives! But...dogs can get sick when they eat chocolate, they say, and if a wolf is the ancestor of all dogs and I through him a bunch of chocolates, he will maybe grab my throat and stare at me and shout : "do you want to kill me?? "  Or if he eats the whole box with the plums in madeira he will get drunk and rape me!!!                                                                                                    The wolf did not appear!!  Doggy and I arrived at my mums house and she was happy to see us. She had just had a little nap  on her couch...........somehow she looked a bit different ........         

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