mandag den 20. maj 2013

A gay gave me a compliment....!

"You are a woman with the courage of a man" !

This compliment was the best I have ever got from a man, so fare, and he is a gay fellow living in harmony with his partner.

Did he just stop by spontaneously on the street to tell me that, like in the advertisings where a stranger, who happens to be just in front of a florist, gives you a huge bouquet and a dental smile that makes you wish you had put on your sunglasses ? 
No. It was not even close to be that scene! It was a talk between me and the foreman for the local trade union. He asked me to be the confidence-person in our firm. There had been a shout out, but no one wanted to do the job.
I listened to him, while he was talking on the phone, trying to convince me that I was the right person. After half an hour he said: "You are a woman with the courage of a man"! Ok! Who can say no to such a compliment!

But to be honest, I could not, and still cant see, how I am a person he would put the word "courage" on! In fact I am a mix of suspicious, honest, creative and nervous and can drive my surroundings close to insanity because I wont take "maybe" "I cant remember" and "somebody" for an answer! I want to get the whole story, not just a part of it! So I have more than a few times seen people look up in the sky, not because they were dreaming of love and holding hands with me under the sun,moon and stars! No, they were trying to escape my momentary manic moments!

But in some way my nice complimentor from back in time was right. Because I never lower my standards (Oh Adam Ant, you are stuck in my heart and head!) when it comes to what I stand for, what I believe and what I think is wrong or right! And I am not afraid to say what I mean and it makes no difference to me if it is a master or servant (thanks to Depeche Mode). 
So though I am like Courage the cowardly dog (love that cartoon!) I can still come up with some courage from time to time.
Sending a lovely thought to the handsome man (nothing compared to sexy Holly Johnson,wauw!) for the unusual compliment!!!

torsdag den 25. april 2013


It`s such a lovely season ...for so many reasons !!!!
Everything is so fresh and green as if the nature made everything clean !!  
The trees with new power to raise in the sky, the birds singing lovesongs so high !!
The smell of earth with morning dew, a little flower oh so blue its beauty makes me sigh !!
What´s there, what`s there so fare away? Oh it`s a two!..they play!!
I fill my lungs with crystal air, I`ll keep in mind this moment rare I can catch the day !!!!

mandag den 15. april 2013


`*´ `*´ `*´ `*´ `*´ `*´ `*´ `*´ `*´ `*´ `*´ `*´ `*´ `*´ `*´ 

Do you sometimes do something very stupid or what turns out to be stupid ???
I´ve had quite a lot of such moments so far !! And I am sure there will be more !!
Knocking my head into a very clear window in a store is one of them. That can happen to everyone.
Then there was the day, a very grey and rainy day, were I grabbed a cat and carried it all way home....just to find out my kitty was at home!! So I hurried back with the cat and put it where I took it, crossing my fingers that nobody had seen the catnapper!! 
When I was a teenager I were at a disco and met a nice guy! We talked and danced and when the last song was played, we walked out into the night, holding each others hand.....very romantic! So we stopped and kissed and because it was a frosty night I wanted to put my hands under his jacket to warm them! So I opened the belt of his leather jacket I thought!!! Omg!!! It was not the belt of his jacket but the belt in his jeans !!!!! Let me just say: I gave him a kiss and said that I had to hurry home !!!

Now its your turn!!! Tell me if you have done something embarrassing !!!


søndag den 14. april 2013

In your eyes !


                                In your eyes !

In your eyes ,  so many questions ,  so pure love and endless time 

in your eyes ,  there is no fiction ,  just the fact that you are mine

every step I go you follow without any doubt in mind

if there`s something true it sure is that love has made you blind

Let me tell you that I care ,  that I dont want you to go

that the moments that we share ,  are the ones I precious so

never thought I would be able ,  to love someone like you

but you show me every day ,  that my inner hope came true

now I love each day we share my little doggy, yes its you !!

                                  :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)   :)

lørdag den 13. april 2013

                              BIG  GREY  HOODIE :)                                   

So !!!   I decided to grab my dog and walk some miles through the woods and visit my mum . The sun did not appear but it was perfect weather  for a good long walk! Listening to the birds and watching little D having fun by putting her nose into everything on her way, I remembered the headliners in the newspapers : The wolf is back in Denmark! So far there are several people having seen a wolf-looking animal, and while some are houling because they welcome the wolf, other people are scared and hope that the government can solve the problem!                                                                              Its 200 years since the last wolf born free in Denmark was shot ! Now its back and what is to be done? Is it nature right to be a wolf and settle down where you like? Is it our right to go against the nature?  I must admit, I was a tiny bit afraid of meeting a wolf. But it would not come along in the middle of the daytime, I think... Or would it? And if, did I have something eatable in my pockets? No, not a single doggy-bisquit. But I had a box with chocolates for my mum, maybe that would safe my and little D´s lives! But...dogs can get sick when they eat chocolate, they say, and if a wolf is the ancestor of all dogs and I through him a bunch of chocolates, he will maybe grab my throat and stare at me and shout : "do you want to kill me?? "  Or if he eats the whole box with the plums in madeira he will get drunk and rape me!!!                                                                                                    The wolf did not appear!!  Doggy and I arrived at my mums house and she was happy to see us. She had just had a little nap  on her couch...........somehow she looked a bit different ........         

Weekend! Feeling free !

                            Weekend!   Feeling free !

How come that I during the week seek for friday noon to come, and when friday night is melting away,
I start to feel blue.....?
Not deep blue with a feeling of climbing up a bridge, but more a douce, babyblue with a shade of grey!!
( no,no!...not what you might think ! )
Sometimes it turns VERY blue and last  for more than a few days. Then its just a fight to handle the day!

But this sneaking feeling....!    I hate it !!!

I have to get myself busy!  So I will go get some breakfast, walk the dog, clean the house etc!!!!

See you soon!   

fredag den 12. april 2013

Welcome to VUP`s VIP !

                    Welcome to VUP`s VIP !

This is a VIP-room for very unimportant persons !

Here we can share our daily trash and tell what is
on our minds.

Dont mind if you think your inputs are boring...
there will always be at least one person to whom
it might be interesting !!!

So welcome to the blog where nothin`s too odd !!!

          Pssssst ! .............  if you are a VIP and you stumble over this blog you are very welcome !